Bournemouth Dissertation Project
Hampshire FA is not involved in this project and is promoting the project on behalf of a student at Bournemouth University. None of the data will be accessed by Hampshire FA. All communication relating to the project must be communicated to the project representatives.
The title of the research project
An Exploration into whether social media enhances or hinders athlete performance
Invitation to take part
Your Son/Daughter/Legal Ward/Child has been invited to take part in a research project. Before you decide it is important for your Son/Daughter/Legal Child/ Ward to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Ask us if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part.
What is the purpose of the project?
The purpose of this project is to gain an understanding between different age groups to whether or not social media has a positive or negative effect on both general mental health and athletic sport performance. This data will be used as examples to back up points made within a dissertation research paper.
Why has my daughter/son/legal ward/child ward been chosen?
Your son/daughter/legal ward/child have been chosen due to yourself being a high performance athlete that experiences social media use surrounding your individual and team performance.
Does my daughter/son/legal ward/child have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not your daughter/son/legal ward/child takes part. If you do decide that your daughter/son/legal ward/child can take part, you will be given this information sheet to keep and be asked to sign a parent agreement form. We also ask your daughter/son/legal ward/child to agree to take part. We want you to understand what your daughter/son/legal ward/child’s participation involves before you make a decision on whether or not they can participate.
If you or any family member have an on-going relationship with BU or the research team, e.g. as a member of staff, as student or other service user, your decision on whether or not your daughter/son/legal ward/child takes part (or continues to take part) will not affect this relationship in any way.
Can my daughter/son/legal ward/child change their mind about taking part?
Yes, your daughter/son/legal ward/child can stop participating in the study activities at any time and without giving a reason.
If my daughter/son/legal ward/child changes their mind, what will happy to their information?
After your daughter/son/legal ward/child decides to withdraw from the study, we will not collect any further information from or about them.
As regards to the information we have already collected before this point, their rights to access, change or move their information are limited. This is because we need to manage their information in specific ways in order to the research to be reliable and accurate. Further explanation about this is in the Personal Information section below.
If you wish, data collected will not be erased, however, any personal information given (if applicable) can be erased at any time.
What would taking part involve?
You will be required to answer 5 questions involving the use of social media and the positives and negatives that it brings for both day to day life and your own sporting performance. This will not be timed or video recorded, only written answers and voice recordings will be taken.
What are the advantages and possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?
Whilst there are no immediate benefits for those people participating in the project, it is hoped that this work will provide insight to other people of similar backgrounds to yourself on the positives and negatives of social media related to sporting performance. Your answers will be extremely informative to both readers and the quality of the papers research.
Whilst we do anticipate any risks to your daughter/son/legal ward/child in taking part in this study, you/they may withdraw any personal information from the data at any time after this interview.
What type of information will be sought from my daughter/son/legal ward/child and why is the collection of their information relevant for achieving the research project’s objectives?
The topic of this paper is about how social media directly effects athlete performance. The type of information gathered from your daughter/son/legal ward/child will involve personal experiences as a result of social media being a factor in both your daily and performance lifestyle. Your daughter/son/legal ward/childs answers will be extremely informative to both readers and the quality of the papers research and will relate to a number of topics involving social media and mental health.
Will my daughter/son/legal ward/child be recorded, and how will the recorded media be used?
No video recordings will take place during this interview, however a voice recording will be required as proof of interview. This will be used solely for proof of interview and will not be displayed anywhere at any time. Your daughter/son/legal ward/child's answers will only be displayed in written form within the research paper.
How will my daughter/son/legal ward/child’s information be managed?
Bournemouth University (BU) is the organisation with overall responsibility for this study and the Data Controller of your daughter/son/legal ward/child’s personal information, which means that we are responsible for looking after their information and using it appropriately. Research is a task that we perform in the public interest, as part of our core function as a university.
Undertaking this research study involves collecting and/or generating information about your daughter/son/legal ward/child. We manage research data strictly in accordance with:
- Ethical requirements; and
- Current data protection laws. These control use of information about identifiable individuals, but do not apply to anonymous research data: “anonymous” means we have either removed or not collected any pieces of data or links to other data which identify a specific person as the subject or source of a research result.
Complete the participant information sheet here
Complete the parent-guardian information sheet