Discipline Panel Application
In October 2014, The Discipline Committee, agreed that in order to ensure that the County’s Discipline Panels are as independent and diverse as possible to reflect the changes in today’s society, they have, as part of the Committee plan, decided to have an application process for all members (both Hampshire FA Council/Independents).
As part of the plan, we are seeking to appoint local members for the County Association Discipline Panel; we are looking for a diverse group of committed individuals across the Country with a variety of backgrounds and to be reflective of the local community and local football teams.
If you are interested and would like to apply for a position on the Discipline Panel, please complete the application form and return it by email or post along with your current curriculum vitae (current members need not include a CV).
Details of where you should send your application back to can be found on the application form.
Training will be given and all panel members will be required to undertake mandatory training prior to being appointed to any panel.