Do you want to win England tickets?
From the 2020/2021 season, all Leagues will have to mandatory use the whole game system for online player registrations. It is also confirmed that all participants that have attained their 16th birthday must have an email address and that all players under the age of 16 must have their parent/guardians email address attached to their FAN by season 2020/2021.
The FA Matchday app has been developed specifically to automate everything around your football life. It is viewable in a consistent format, from fixtures to match returns – and everything in between. Parents can also access the fixtures section for the team via the Matchday app if their email address is attached to the player!
Now that the new season has started for most if not all we would like to encourage all clubs and leagues to include email addresses for their registered players using the online player registrations. This advance work will assist all clubs moving forward especially as this is to become mandatory in the next season or so.
All Leagues and clubs will be entered into a draw if they have 100% player registrations with email address by the 31st October for a chance to win a pair of tickets to an England international (1 pair for a League and 1 pair for a Club) (travel costs not included).
If any club needs assistance in adding the email addresses to players, please email the relevant information, FAN and email address to our Discipline Department where a member of the team will be only too happy to assist.