Walking Football
A slower version of the beautiful game
Walking football is simple. Football, at walking pace
As the name suggests, Walking Football is football at walking pace and anyone that sprints, runs or jogs while the ball is in play will be penalised with a free-kick awarded to the other team. Despite this, the game is still competitive and play can be extremely tactical favouring those players who take their time and read the pitch around them.
Walking football has become increasingly popular and is designed to help people keep an active lifestyle, as well as to support getting people back into football who have stopped due to age or injury.
Click here to download 'Walking Football - Laws of the Game'
St Mary's Walking Football Session
Walking football is simple. Football, at walking pace.
A great opportunity for over 50's to get active, and try walking football!
Sessions start 8th May and continue every Wednesday 10am-11am St Mary’s Leisure Centre.
Get in Touch
Kel Crook (Male Pathway Football Development Officer)
Walking Football Map
Why get involved with walking football?
Dementia Connect
Licensed Walking Football Clubs are primarily encouraged to offer weekly turn up and play sessions, allowing participants to join in at a pace and frequency that suits them and without the pressures of committing to playing competitively week in week out. Many of our clubs also incorporate training exercises in preparation for fixtures against other clubs, but the emphasis is on fun and enjoyment, by all, in a supportive and recreational environment.
All Licensed Clubs are supported in working towards various stages of the Licensed Walking Football Club pathway. Working through this pathway opens up various benefits to clubs which will aid their future development.
You will need to register your interest with Hampshire FA.
Older people in particular have seen many benefits including: lower heart rate and blood pressure, less fat, more muscle and better mobility.
As well as offering health benefits walking Football offers social benefits - the opportunity for participants to meet new people, prevent isolation and create interaction for individuals and small groups.
As well as offering health benefits walking Football offers social benefits - the opportunity for participants to meet new people, prevent isolation and create interaction for individuals and small groups.
The licensed Walking Football Club scheme is in place to create a uniformed approach to one of the fastest growing UK sport's.
Together, we can all play the same game to the same rules
Together, we can lay the foundations for a future league structure
Together, we can create a safe and sociable format
Together, we can establish an approved and desirable kite marking system which recognises innovation and proactivity in the development of a slower version of the beautiful game.
For the forthcoming 2017/18 season, the Licensing Scheme has been simplified to ensure all groups participating are able to access the same benefits. Clubs are able to affiliate to Hampshire FA, securing benefits such as Public Liability Insurance and access to The FA's Whole Game System to administer their club. Forward-thinking and progressive clubs are able to access further benefits as they progress along the pathway.
Hampshire FA is working with its Licensed Clubs to lay the foundations for "competitive" opportunities designed to suit their needs. Priority entry into any Hampshire FA Festivals will be given to Licensed Walking Football Clubs.