Setting up a club

Setting up a club


Hampshire FA will help you get started on setting up your club

As well as offering the below guidance and steps in helping you set up a club, we can offer support in many other ways. We can meet with you and your club, schedule calls to discuss some of your key enquiries, put you in touch with key organisations, support in the recruitment of volunteers, promote and market your club through a variety of channels.

Get In Touch

By Phone: 01256 853006 (9am - 5pm Monday - Friday)

By Email:


First Aid Kit

Koolpak is proud to be working in partnership with Hampshire FA to offer all members discounted prices for essential First Aid items. Simply head to the shop, order, pay and have your items delivered straight to your door.

Koolpak First Aid Kit advert 2024-25
the first steps for setting up a club

The process of affiliation will be completed online via the Club Portal, which you can access by clicking the button below.


Forgot your password? Please 
click here to reset your password.
Once you have logged into the portal, you will need to click on the “Club Secretary” tab at the top of the screen. You will then have the option on the left-hand side to click on “Affiliation 2024-2025” which will then enable you to affiliate for next season and start the 8-stage process.

Once you have completed stage 7, your affiliation will be submitted to the County FA for approval, which we hope will be issued within 24 hours, before being able to pay for your affiliation for 2024-2025 online. Please email once you have reached stage 7 and your application has been sent to Hampshire FA for approval. Once the invoice has been raised on the portal and paid, you will then receive your affiliation number for next season, which will be confirmed through the Online Portal.

If you are unsure of the club re-affiliating for the 2024-25 season, please make us aware early so we can provide any assistance. We also recommend that the club submits their affiliation application, even if you’re unsure that the club will remain, as we can always refund any affiliation fee’s that may be paid if the club folds before the beginning of the season (Excluding Personal Accident & Public liability Insurance taken out through Marsh Sport).


Clubs must appoint a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary to enable the club to function effectively within County FA Rules and Regulations. It is also suggested that other people are appointed to assist in other administrative areas of the club.

As a new club it will be important to raise funds to run the club and initially these will probably be from player memberships and subscriptions. It is also advisable to produce a list of costs to run your team which will help you create a budget of income and expenditure for the season. You will be required to send in a copy of your club accounts annually.

It is important that clubs are fully conversant with the rules of each competition that they may wish to enter. All discipline at grassroots is administered by the County Football Association and the Secretary of the club is responsible to ensure that all players are eligible to play. If clubs have any doubts about player eligibility, for example suspensions, they should contact us for details or by calling 01256 853000. For youth teams, it is important to be aware of child protection safeguards and advice is available from our Safeguarding department at Hampshire FA.

It is compulsory for all affiliated clubs in your county to be covered by Public Liability Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance. Details of these can be found with the affiliation information.

The FA Respect


The FA's Respect programme provides a series of tools for leagues, clubs, coaches, players and parents from grassroots to elite football - to help ensure a safe, positive environment in which to play the game.

Setting up a club

See below the Club Action Timetable which covers tasks in pre-season, tasks prior to the day of the game, task on the day of the game, discipline and the club annual general meeting (AGM).

Fixtures are administered by the appropriate competition secretary, who advises clubs of forthcoming matches. If it is a home match, the club secretary must arrange hire of a pitch (unless this is arranged by the league), notify opponents and match officials of kick-off time and location of venue. For away games arrange to inform your own team of venue, kick-off time and arrange for transport of players. All County Football Associations run cup competitions which give an opportunity for teams to play against clubs from different leagues or divisions.

Please make sure you read the relevant rules relating to the league/competition entered to ensure you abide by them. Each league/competition may vary with regard to their requirements. If in doubt contact the league/competition organizers.

Please be aware that the County FA only deal with fixtures relating to their own cup competitions.

If the league does not allocate pitches, apply to your Local Authority, other local teams, Parish council or owner of a private ground to hire a pitch. Please note hire charges will vary.

Purchase suitable equipment prior to the start of your fixtures and ensure you have sufficient equipment for all teams in your club. The necessary equipment will include, playing strip, first aid kit, nets and balls

Ensure you pass on results of your matches to comply with competition regulations. For County Football Association competitions, the results are collected by each League and therefore you will only need to notify your own league. All clubs are recommended to establish good relationships with the local press to publish results, match reports and possibly just interesting stories about their club. Good PR will help raise the profile of your club, bring in new players and may even attract some sponsorship.

Fair play on & off the pitch

Rules and Regulations

FA Rules and Regulations ensure fair play in the grassroots game, both on and off the pitch. Find information about the following areas here.

  • Laws of the Game
  • Discipline
  • Safeguarding & Welfare
  • Inclusion

Setting up a club: Action plan

- Players: Ensure each team has a squad of at least 14 players or the appropriate number for Mini Soccer/Small Sided teams.

- Affiliation: Complete and forward the appropriate documentation and fees to the County FA and league or other competitions.

- Facilities: Arrange pitch(es) which comply with appropriate league regulations and specifications. It is also prudent to arrange/book training facilities early.

- Meetings: Organise club/team meetings (eg. Weekly Training, Monthly Management Meeting, AGM). Also attend relevant league or County FA meetings when required.

- Registration: Ensure all players are registered with the appropriate league (forms will be available from the league). Up to date photographs may be required.

- Friendly Fixtures: Arrange fixtures with secretaries of other affiliated clubs and notify the County FA for approval.

- Subscription: Set a subscription for players and members to meet your costs for the season. Carry out fund raising (appropriate to the club).

- Delegation: Club Secretaries/Team Managers should seek support from other members to spread the administrative workload where practical.

- Confirm Fixture: E.g. kick-off time, colours, directions to ground, availability of pitch with groundsman, match officials.

- Pitch: Ensure pitch is safe and correctly prepared with nets, flags, markings and access to appropriate changing facilities.

- Match Officials: Ensure match officials have been paid (home team only).

- Refreshments: Provide refreshments where appropriate.

- Medical Bag: Further details can be found on the Pitch Side Medical Bag page

- Results: Ensure the result card is completed and posted to the appropriate league official to arrive by designated time. Please note the competition may require the result to be confirmed by telephoning the appropriate official. Level of detail on result card (e.g. players, goal scorers, substitutions, injuries etc) will be depend on league policy.

Disciplinary Procedures: This is an ongoing task throughout the season. The secretary and players must complete and return appropriate documentation with fines. A record should be kept of players discipline and ensure any suspended players do not play.

Arrange AGM and/or presentation evening.

A copy of your club accounts must be posted or emailed to the County FA by the 30th September each season.


We recommend advertising for available positions on your club website or your clubs social media pages.

Hampshire FA has a Facebook Noticeboard page that clubs can join. You are able to leave as many posts on the page to support with your club's requirements.


For assistance with finance, income support and affiliation contact Jon Fancy

Information about funding and grant opportunities can be found here.

Alternatively, for direct enquires contact our Facilities department.


To become a Club Welfare Officer you must attend a Welfare Officers Workshop. In order to do this you must have an accepted and up-to-date FA Criminal Records Check and attendance at an FA Safeguarding Children in Football workshop.

For more information please contact our Safeguarding team.


CWO's are used as FACRC (Criminal Records Check) verifiers for their clubs, hence removing the need of club members sending personal documentation through the post. Additionally with the support of the County WO and the League WO they take the lead on educating best practices to their respective Clubs.

For your guidance we have provided the following resources:

The FA Welfare Officer Information Pack 
The CWO Club Safeguarding Checklist 
The Welfare Officer Code of Conduct 

The packs offers information about the role of a welfare officer at both club and league level. This has been developed in conjunction with other county FA's to provide guidance for all welfare officers across the country. This pack will provide information, guidance and ideas on the role of a welfare officer, as well as some practical tips.

The packs offers information about the role of a welfare officer at both club and league level. This has been developed in conjunction with other county FA's to provide guidance for all welfare officers across the country. This pack will provide information, guidance and ideas on the role of a welfare officer, as well as some practical tips.


Each CWO when qualified is notified of the CRC Online system which commenced in July 2011. So far over 330 CWO's have registered their club for this online service (July 2017).

CWO's should contact GB Group who facilitate CRC applications on behalf of The FA by calling 0845 210 8080 or via e mail

This video will help assist CWO's to register their clubs for the online service this has been designed to assist CWO's to register their clubs for the online service.

Click here for the online site.

A paperwork application now costs £20.00 whereas clubs can save £10.00 per application by using the online service which is clearly cheaper and more efficient.


A number of our CWO's are already involved with the Safeguarding Online system. Please check our safeguarding and welfare page here for all relevant documents and essential links.

It does require the CWO to have an email address. Accessing Member Services as a Club Official will enable the CWO to see who in the club has been CRC’d and who also holds a current Safeguarding Certificate (3-year life).

As a consequence of The FA Safeguarding Commitment which clubs have signed to agree by, it is the club's responsibility to ensure that their records are reflected accurately on the Whole Game System.

Thinkuknow Website: The website provided by CEOP (Child Protection & Online Protection) is worth a visit if you haven’t already done so. It offers up to date advice and guidance for children and parents on the safe use of the internet. This website has been designed by young people for young people.

The FA/NSPCC 24 hour Helpline number: 0808 800 5000. The FA teamed up with the NSPCC several years ago and contributed financially to the nationally known NSPCC 24-hour Helpline number. Anyone wishing to report a concern about a child or seek advice can phone The FA/NSPCC 24-hour Helpline 0808 800 5000. This number is dealt with by a team of NSPCC trained staff who will inform The FA of concerns they receive relating to football. It also offers a deaf users textphone on 0800 056 0566.

The FA Report Discrimination free phone number and email address: 0800 058 0508 to report allegations of discrimination such as sexist, racist and homophobic abuse as well as abuse in relation to disability. This number is dealt with by FA staff in London although allegations can be passed back to a County FA or other organisation to deal with. There is also an email address: which can be used as an alternative to the phone number.