Club Affiliation
The process of affiliation will be completed online via the Club Portal, which you can access by clicking the button below.
Forgot your password? Please click here to reset your password.
Once you have logged into the portal, you will need to click on the “Club Secretary” tab at the top of the screen. You will then have the option on the left hand side to click on “Affiliation 2024-2025” which will then enable you to affiliate for next season and start the 8-stage process.
Once you have completed stage 7, your affiliation will be submitted to the County FA for approval, which we hope will be issued within 24 hours, before being able to pay for your affiliation for 2024-2025 online. Please email once you have reached stage 7 and your application has been sent to Hampshire FA for approval. Once the invoice has been raised on the portal and paid, you will then receive your affiliation number for next season, which will be confirmed through the Online Portal.
If you are unsure of the club re-affiliating for the 2024-25 season, please make us aware early so we can provide any assistance. We also recommend that the club submits their affiliation application, even if you’re unsure that the club will remain, as we can always refund any affiliation fees that may be paid if the club folds before the beginning of the season (Excluding Personal Accident & Public liability Insurance taken out through Marsh Sport).
Youth Teams
The safeguarding requirements for affiliation for the 2024/25 season are as follows:
· All team managers/coach(es)/assistants (including medics) must be named on Club Portal against each team. There must be a minimum of one named manager/coach per team to enable the team affiliation. The Safeguarding team recommend two named manager/coaches are aligned and are present at each session (in line with the club’s safeguarding commitment)
· All youth team managers/coach(es)/assistant(s) (including medics) must hold:
o In-date, accepted FA DBS check
o In-date FA Safeguarding Children qualification/recertification.
The FA will be in touch with clubs and coaches who are aligned but currently do not hold the qualification or it has expired to provide a 50% discount code, that reduces the course from £30 to £15 between the months of May to July.
· Please note that anyone who is involved in coaching training sessions or who stands in the technical area during fixtures, must be aligned to the team and assigned the role of coach/assistant coach/manager/assistant manager
· A named Club Welfare Officer that holds an:
o In-date, accepted FA DBS check.
o In-date FA Safeguarding Children qualification/recertification.
o In-date Welfare Officer Workshop.
§ (Please note that affiliation can take place if the Club Welfare Officer has booked onto and is waiting to attend this course)
o Online Safeguarding for Committee Members Course qualification.
· The Club Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are required to have completed the online Safeguarding for Committee Members course.
· Acceptance of the relevant Safeguarding Declaration(s) for the club via Club Portal.
If there are any queries or issues on this then please get in contact with:
All Open Age clubs will need to align a Club Welfare Officer (Adult Teams) at the point of affiliation for 2024/25 season (excluding clubs with only Vets and/or walking football teams).
For clubs with U18 players registered, the Club Welfare Officer (Adult Teams) should hold an in-date FA DBS check and complete the new online Player Welfare Course – these requirements will be mandatory from 2024/25 season.
· All Open Age clubs will be required to accept the relevant Safeguarding Declaration(s) for the club via the Club Portal.
· All team officials (coaches/assistant coaches/managers/assistant managers) should be aligned to the correct teams on Club Portal.
· All Open Age club team officials with U18 players in their teams should hold an FA DBS check and hold a safeguarding qualification. The new Player Welfare Course is recommended for this role. Anyone currently holding the FA Safeguarding Children qualification is considered compliant but will need to complete the new Player Welfare course when the Safeguarding Children course expires.
From 2024/25 Season, all team officials MUST have in-date FA DBS check at all times.
If there are any questions or queries, please get in contact with:
The FA previously suspended DBS applications through the Whole Game System due to the Governments implementation of the lockdown and social distancing requirements of Covid-19.
DBS Applications are now reopened and back to the normal process. We have provided a full list of Q&As HERE.
If you need to contact a staff member in regards to DBS Applications, please contact Jon Fancy.
Safeguarding Update (Adult disability teams)
To affiliate adult disability teams in the 2024/25 season, the following will be required:
· Minimum one named Club Welfare Officer (Adult Disability) that holds an in-date FA online Safeguarding Adults course qualification.
· Accept the relevant Safeguarding Declaration(s) for the club via the Club Portal
· All team officials (coaches/assistant coaches/managers/assistant managers) should be aligned to the correct teams on Club Portal.
Personal Accident & Public Liability Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance and Public Liability Insurance will now both be offered through the Club Affiliation process and both types of insurance must be taken out during this time. Personal Accident Insurance does not need to be taken out for Clubs at Step 4 or above of the National League System, as they have a higher level of cover and Personal Accident Insurance is still optional for Walking Football Clubs.
Club Accounts
- Senior Clubs (Grade A) must submit audited financial statements for the last financial year unless they are exempt from audit under the Companies Act 2006 or not constituted as limited companies.
- Senior Clubs (Grade B-D and Grade A clubs exempt from the forgoing provision) shall submit as a minimum unaudited financial statements, including a balance sheet and detailed income and expenditure account that have been verified by an appropriately qualified accountant.
- Charter Standard, Regional Feeder League (or equivalent) and Youth Clubs shall prepare an annual financial statement, in such format as shall be available here. This statement shall be verified by an independent person with appropriate financial experience.
- All other clubs (including new clubs) must prepare a finance statement at their financial year end but does not need to be submitted to Hampshire FA. However, this may be requested by the Association at any time.
GDPR Guide
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on May 25th 2018 and clubs should ensure that they are complaint.
Muckle, The FA approved legal partner, have produced a guide aimed at Leagues and Clubs which will explain the key changes and includes top tips to ensure you are ready for the new regulation.
The guide also contains the contact details of the Clubs and Leagues helpline where you can seek further help if required. You can download the guide
County Cups
It has been agreed to operate all of our Hampshire FA County Cup Competitions from 2023-2024 season, which are available to be selected within the Club Affiliation renewal.
Please ensure that you check your invoice to show that your selected team(s) have been entered into the correct Cup Competition.
Further information on County Cup Competition Rules includes dates of rounds, can be located here.
The deadline for submitting an entry into our Hampshire FA county cup competitions.
Clubs with male teams in the National League System, Regional Feeder League or reserve teams in the Hampshire Combination Development League or equivalent reserve teams and all female adult teams must obtain sanction for their pre-season matches by emailing: and Requests for sanction of any pre-season matches must be made within seven days of the date of the match.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact
Club Tournaments
A General Reminder that all clubs looking to run a Tournament must seek sanction from Hampshire FA. A list of sanctioned events for 2023, along with the documents you need can be found here.
Please note that any Clubs/Players/Referees that partake in unsanctioned tournaments could be liable to a charge under the regulations. If you have any questions or would like to submit the documents for your event, please do not hesitate to get in contact via email on
Hampshire FA Sanctioned Tournaments 2023
Click below to see a list of sanctioned tournaments for 2023.