
Who we are, and what we do

Founded in 1887, Hampshire FA is the governing body for all Football in Hampshire and is a non-profit making organisation. We are an Association of Member Divisional FA’s, Leagues and Clubs who represent all participants within the game in Hampshire.

As the governing body for football in Hampshire, we are committed to developing the game at all levels. In line with the Grassroots Football Strategy, Hampshire FA has produced a four-year plan aimed at providing everyone with the opportunity to participate in football for life.

It is our objective to use the power of football to build a better future and as with all county FA's, our goal is to work towards the Grassroots Football Strategy.

Want to read more about Hampshire FA's history? Visit our history page.

Our Team

 Organisation Structure

Our Board of Directors

Our directors are appointed to Board at AGM and elected or re-elected by football community representatives following the dissolution of council on 22 June 2019. Directors appointed to Board via skills-based recruitment process consisting of application, shortlisting and interview.

 Board of Directors Structure


Corporate governance structure

The Hampshire FA corporate governance structure consists of three levels.  The Board of Directors sit at the top of the structure and are responsible for the strategic direction and sustainability of the business.

The board is made up of 12 directors with a minimum of 33% of membership required to be independently appointed (currently 42%) and include no more than 70% representation from a single gender (currently 58% male and 42% female). Within the board there are appointed Chair, Vice-Chair and Finance Director officer roles. One of the 12 director roles is ex-officio and occupied by the company CEO and another is reserved for the chair of the Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG).


Sub committees and sub-groups

  • Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG)
  • Nomination & Appointment Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Remuneration Committee
  • Health & Safety Sub-Group


Football Management Board

The Football Management Board (FMB) sits below the Board of Directors and is responsible for informing all decision making that relates to the delivery of football in Hampshire.


Youth Network

The role of the Youth Network (YN) is to engage with local young people and inform decision making at FMB level by representing their peers.  On occasion the YN is also invited to liaise directly with the Board.


Focus Groups

The role of each focus group is to offer independently recruited representatives from each designated area of the game the opportunity to inform and support development.

  • Male Pathway
  • Female Pathway
  • Disability Pathway
  • Referees
  • Competitions Sub-Group


Hampshire FA Foundation

The Hampshire FA Foundation raises and provides funding for the local football community and associated causes.


Hampshire FA Operations

Hampshire FA Operations oversees the delivery of Hampshire FA’s four football hubs.


Code of Governance Structure

To read the full Corporate Governance Structure, please refer to the full document available in the downloadable documents section below.